扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 恭喜各位中奖者,尤其是恭喜格莱美的亲女儿霉霉Taylor Swift。 来源:有意思网(微信号:youyisi_cn) 除了Rihanna(蕾哈娜)因为犯支气管炎取消了今天的表演让兔子先生感觉有那么一点遗憾外,这次的格莱美颁奖礼依旧亮点多多,Adele献唱《All I Ask》,Justin Bieber表演《Love Yourself》《Where Are U Now》,Lady Gaga致敬David Bowie,船长约翰尼·德普组建Hollywood Vampires乐队首登格莱美大舞台…… 当然最重要的还是领奖啦,获奖名单在这里: 兔子先生由衷地恭喜各位中奖者,尤其是恭喜格莱美的亲女儿霉霉Taylor Swift。 依靠新唱片《1989》,霉霉Taylor Swift在今年格莱美上斩获3项大奖——年度专辑、年度最佳流行专辑和年度最佳音乐录影带,集齐了10座格莱美,同时也是史上首位两次获得年度专辑的女歌手! 泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州雷丁,童年时期在宾夕法尼亚州蒙哥马利县一个11英亩的圣诞树农场度过。
然后,就一路走红,直到今天创造了格莱美历史。 霉霉为什么能获得这么多格莱美奖?当然是因为前任足够多,不服来辩! 霉霉是个用感情来唱歌的女孩,每一段感情都被她写在歌声里,也许,这才是对前任和过往投入过的感情的最好回报吧。 所以,自出道以来霉霉被曝光过的恋人十个手指头已经数不过来了,有花花公子、有性感男星、有青春偶像、有名人后裔……(每首歌不听个一两百遍,歌迷们怎么能猜得出歌里写的是哪位前男友?所以,霉霉有不红的道理么?)
下面我们来捋一捋,霉霉比较知名的6位前任和他们所对应的的歌曲:男友1. Joe Jonas(摇滚型)代表歌曲:《You're Not Sorry》All this time I was wasting,Hoping you would come around I've been giving out chances every time And all you do is let me down And it's taking me this long Baby but I figured you out And you're thinking we'll be fine again,But not this time around You don't have to call anymore This is the last straw And you can tell me that you're sorry You're not sorry, no more' no more' no I might believe you if I didn't know If you hadn't left me waiting in the cold And I'm tired of being last to know 霉霉与Joe Jonas 在2008年传出绯闻,交往3个月后迅速分手。Joe Jonas是美国当红摇滚乐队Jonas Brothers的主唱。霉霉在参加一档脱口秀节目时自曝,对方通过电话用27秒的时间完成了整个分手流程。霉霉因此写下歌曲《You're Not Sorry》,“你不是真的对不起,只是给自己心理安慰而已”。被劈腿的悲惨遭遇给了她强大的创作灵感,让这首歌曲充满了爆表的痛彻与真挚。“不想分开的人吵的最凶,真正离开的总是最安静”正是经历爱情后的成熟领悟。 男友2. Taylor Lautner(性感型)代表作品:《Back To December》You gave me roses and I left them there to die So this is me swallowing my pride, Standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night And I go back to December all the time It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missin’ you Wishing I’d realized what I had to blow that night And I go back to December, turn around And make it all right I go back to December all the time These days I haven’t been sleepin’ Stayin’ up playing back myself leavin’ When your birthday passed And I didn’t call, then I think about summer All the beautiful times 2009年,Taylor Swift与《暮光之城》中的小狼人Taylor Lautner因拍摄电影《Valentine》假戏成真,将剧情中的情侣身份搬出屏幕之外。不过,两人的恋情也在3个月左右就宣布告吹,原因据说是“He liked her more than sheliked him”。之后霉霉通过歌曲《Back To December》向前小狼人表达歉意,真是抛弃你还要把你写进歌里,说不好是诚意满满呢,还是落井下石…… 不过,这首收录在《Speak Now》中的《Back To December》的确经典,还特别录有一个好听的Acoustic版本。果然主动甩掉的待遇就是不一样,两个版本轮换道歉,也该满足了。
男友3. John Mayer(前辈型)代表作品:《Dear John》Long were the nights When the days once revolved around you Counting my footsteps, Prayin' the floor won't fall through, again My mother accused me of losing my mind But I swore I was fine You paint me a blue sky and go back And turn it to rain And I lived in your chess game But you changed the rules every day Wonderin which version of you I might get on the phone, tonight, Well I stopped pickin' up And this song is to let you know why Dear John, Don't you think I was too young To be messed with The girl in the dress Cried the whole way home I shoulda known. 和小狼人分手后,Taylor Swift迅速与年长自己12岁的歌手John Mayer展开恋情。John Mayer作为美国流行乐坛出色的创作者和吉他演奏者,四座格莱美最佳流行男歌手奖杯在手,从歌手本职来讲牛到得无话可说,但感情历史上的口碑可就不怎么样了。果不其然,在大众还在猜测他们恋情是否进入稳定期之时,两人居然就草草分手了。到底是年龄差距太大,还是小公主涉世未深,被大叔的玩心伤个彻底?听听歌曲《Dear John》就知道了——简直是指名道姓的极致经典之作。歌词中写道“你画给我一片蓝天,回头又缀满了雨点,我活在你的棋局里,可你的规则一天一改”伤得可真是够深。这首歌该写,写得好,写的妙。
男友4. Jake Gyllenhaal(英俊型)代表作品:《State Of Grace》、《Red》 Loving himis like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you’re already flying through the freefall Like the colors in autumn, so bright, just before they lose it all Losing him was blue, like I’ve never known Missing him was dark grey, all alone Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met Butloving him was red Lovinghim was red Jake Gyllenhaal从《断背山》名声大噪,到《囚徒》,到《夜行者》,演的了文艺片,商业片也有票房号召力,重点是颜好任性。所以,小公主Taylor Swift这段感情虽然只有更加短暂的一个多月,但却是大家非常愿意提起的八卦旧事,也更喜欢将这位荧幕小受星的名次排得十分靠前。不过可惜的是,俊男靓女还没被拍到几次,就成了绝版。霉霉为Jake Gyllenhaal创作的歌曲都收录在大碟《Red》之中,能成为这张超级不得了之唱片的活素材,我们的帅哥还真是不亏。
男友5. Conor Kennedy(贵族型)代表作品:《Everything Has Changed》、《Begin Again》 I walk to you You pull my chair out and help me in And you don't know how nice that is But I do And you throw your head back laughing I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause He never did I've been spending the last 8 months But on a Wednesday in a cafe 不得不佩服霉霉,连大名鼎鼎肯尼迪家族的后代Conor Kennedy都能搞定。此任是美国肯尼迪家族的唯一的男性继承人。两人在2012年度过了一个美好到极致的暑假,出双入对四处游玩,对恋情的曝光毫不在意。不过,夏天结束时这段爱情就跟着一起消失了,来得快去得快,而Taylor Swift第一次被摆在了年龄差距问题的高点之上,风水轮流转岁月不留情,“Begin Again”真是感慨无奈的迷之心声。为Conor创作的两首歌同样收录于经典专辑《Red》,排在曲序的末尾,增添了总结式的恢弘大气。
男友6. Harry Styles(鲜肉型)代表作品:《I Wish You Would》、《Style》idnight, you come and pick me up No head lights Long drive, could end in burning flames or paradise Fading off you, oh, it's been a while since I have even heard from you I should just tell you to leave 'cause I Know exactly where it leads but I Watch us go round and round each time You got that James Dean day dream look in your eye And I got that red lip classic thing that you like We never go out of style. Harry Styles作为一名94年的正太型小鲜肉,是一位英国男歌手、同时也是组合One Direction成员。Rolling Stone杂志曾报道,专辑《1989》中的三首歌《I Wish You Would》、《All You Had To Do WasStay》、《Style》都是Taylor Swift写给Harry Styles的,而且,与这位One Direction的正太成员的恋情,说不定是小公主最付真心的一次。 重要的不是在爱情里跌倒了多少次,而是在爱情里重新站起来多少次;需要计较的不是在感情中受到了多少伤害,而是每一段感情结束后取得了什么样的收获,这一点,无疑霉霉是一个最好的榜样! 写到这里,兔子先生不得不问问那些千年陪跑的音乐人们:想拿格莱美奖,你们的前任够足够多吗? 本文转载自有意思网(ID:youiysi_cn) 手机扫一扫,阅读下载更方便˃ʍ˂ |
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