扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 翻译:二两 不倦文案Tim Delaney蒂姆·雷尼(Tim Delaney),15岁踏入广告圈,19岁开始从事广告文案的工作。31岁成为天联广告(BBDO)的创意总监。34岁自立门户,创立了李戈斯雷尼广告(Legas Delaney)。 2009年年末,它的第七家分店在上海开张,目前上海LD的创意当家人是李兆光(Kevin Lee),此人曾是上海奥美的“四大护法”之一。 虽然蒂姆已经作为顶尖的广告文案入选The One Club名人堂,这个组织专门评选世界上最具创新精神并在职业生涯中做出了卓越贡献的伟大人物,但是蒂姆仍然在坚持不懈地从事文案工作。小编插一句嘴,我们这个系列开篇介绍的英国古董文案大卫·阿伯特也是该名人堂中的一员。 在蒂姆的广告生涯中,曾与英国《卫报》、保时捷、阿迪达斯等多个大牌合作。凭借其过硬的文案水平,他为这些客户所做的广告获得了无数奖项。 和他的广告作品一样,蒂姆的生平也非常精彩。他曾以英国首相詹姆斯·卡拉汉(James Callaghan)顾问的身份参加过皇家马斯登请愿(The Royal Marsden Appeal)以及特殊奥林匹克运动会(Special Olympics)等慈善活动。1992年他出任D&AD的主席。 P.S. 小编补充一下,皇家马斯登是英国一家著名的医院,在癌症治疗领域颇有建树。这家医院经常在英国举办慈善晚宴,各界名流都有参加,目前该院的院长是威廉王子(Prince William)。特殊奥林匹克运动会则是为智能低下而又言语不清的儿童所举办的盛宴。 在《The Copy Book》的采访中,蒂姆可以说将简洁发挥到了极致,总共只说了22个字,小编跪服!真是与他的超长文案形成了鲜明的对比。在这本书所收录的10幅广告中,我选择了为添柏岚(Timberland)所做的一则广告,呵呵,为什么咧?因为这则广告选择以美国西进时期白人对北美印第安人的所做所为为突破口,和当下热播的电影《荒野猎人》正好相呼应,大家来一睹为快吧!
We stole their land, their buffalo and their women. Then we went back for their shoesThe Red Indians were an ungrateful lot. Far from thanking the whiteman for bringing them civilization (guns, whisky, disease, the kind of thing), they spent years making very bad medicine. Naturally, during the course of their disputes, the whiteman found it necessary to relieve the Red Indians of certain items. Thousands of square miles of land, for instance, which they didn’t seem to be using. The odd buffalo, which provided some interesting culinary experiences for the folks heading West. And of course the squaws, who were often invited along to soothe the fevered brows of conscience-stricken gun-runners and bounty hunters. But perhaps the most lasting testament to this cultural exchange programme is the humble moccasin. A shoe of quite ingenious construction. And remarkably comfortable to boot. Even now, nearly two centuries after the first whiteman tried a pair on , they have yet to be bettered. Which is why at Timberland, all of our loafters, boat shoes and walking shoes are based on the original Red Indian design. How is this possible? Surely a shoemaker of our standing is capable of showing a clear pair of heels to a few pesky injuns? Not really. Although over the years, we have managed to make some modest improvements. Rather than use any of old buffalo hide, we always insist on premium full-grain leathers. And when we find a tannery that can supply them, we buy its entire output. We then dye the leathers all the way through so you can’t scuff the colour off and impregnate them with silicone oils to prevent the leather going dry. It is at this point that we employ the wraparound construction of the moccasin to create the classic Timberland shoe. Using a single piece of softened leather,our craftmen mould and stretch the upper around a specially-developed geometriclast. This has the effect of breaking the shoes in before you’ve even set foot in them. It also extends the life of the shoe for many, many moons. Our hand sewn shoes also hark back to the days before the whitemam came. No machines. No mass production. Nodeadlines. Just a pair of nimble hands making shoes in the time-honoured way. With just a little help from the twentieth century. Like the high-strength nylon tread,double-knotted the pearl stitched to prevent it coming undone even if it’s cut or in the unlikely event that is breaks. The two coats of latex sealant, added to stop even tiny droplets of water sneaking in through the needle holes. And the patented process which permanently bonds the uppers to the soles. (If the Indians had only known how to cobble soles onto their moccasins, we probably wouldn’t be in business today.) As you would expect, the result of all our labours is a shoe which comes with a heap big price tag. For which we make absolutely no excuses. After all, who else uses solid brass eyelets? Or self-oiling rawhide laces? Or glove leather linings? Come to that, what other shoemaker show such concern for your feet when big rains come? For example, as well as utilizing all our traditional methods, our new Ultra Light range uses new technology to keep your feet dry. They’re lined with Gore-Tex to make them completely waterproof while allowing your feet to breathe. (Gore-Tex has 9 billion holes per square inch. We didn’t believe it either but it works, so now we believe it.) The soles are made from an incredibly light weight and highly resistant, dual-density polyurethane. And, in an uncharacteristic concession to fashion, some models even sport tightly woven waxed cotton cloth. A far cry from the Red Indian moccasin? We certainly hope not. Because if we ever forget our origins, or change our old-fashioned way of making boots and shoes, one thing’s for sure. A lot of people are going to be on the warpath. Timberland Shoes and Boots, 23 Pembridge Square, London W2 4DR. Telephone 01: 727 2519 之前,小编也说了,蒂姆是个极简派,惜字如金,不禁让我想起《大话西游》最后出现的唐僧。当记者问他怎样撰写文案时,他只回答了4条,共22个字,无一字多余,在此系悉数道来: 01. 手写。02. 准备好与产品和产品类别有关的所有可用资料。03. 在周日下午或深夜写作。04. 拖过最后期限。咳咳......第4条,大家看看就行了,嗯,不要当真!人家是大咖,当然有与甲方较劲的资本,小编觉得最后一条的正解应该是:合理利用写作的期限,给自己充分的思考时间。至于手写,只能呵呵了,小编好久没写过字了,除了填填快递单。 小编在整理关于蒂姆的文章时,发现有位叫林莹的记者,曾经对他进行了2次采访,分别编辑成了两篇文章《为令我尊敬的品牌写文案——访Leagas Delaney广告公司创始人Tim Delaney》和《妙想与灵创——记英国创意热店Leagas Delaney》。其中有蒂姆对于广告这方面的另外一些领悟,在此也为大家撷取下来。 关于文案:01. 很多广告或许表现的比较倚重视觉,但不必完全依靠视觉。广告中,文案与图片必须相互搭配,有时你需要文字、有时需要插图、有时需要照片,最重要的是要合适。 02. 人们越来越欠缺写文案的能力与意愿了,但是文字仍然还会有出头的机会。创意就是如果大家都在做某事,你就该做别的事。 03. 长文案广告是有人读的,重点是你有没有让文字有趣。 04. 我们有各种各样的工具可选择,比如图片、照片、视频......但基准是合适才用。 关于工作:01. 成功的秘诀:第一,准备好资料;第二,加班;第三,不达目的不罢休。 02. 坚持每天写作,不必在意结构,不必担心错误。如果写写停停,灵感和好东西就可能从你的指缝间溜走。持之以恒,自然能孕育出好东西。 03. 努力工作,比你想象中的还要努力。好的文案不仅需要创造,而且要懂得去维持关系,注重策略,挖掘有趣和聪明的东西。 04. 每次你写一些东西的时候,不管是一本书还是一辆车,你要做的就是创造一个基本的关系,开始一段更深入的关系。 05. 我希望可以掌控自己的命运,所以我不会把公司搞得跟4A一样大,我的原则是——Smart thinking, beautiful work. 虽然没有过多的言语,但是在2篇访谈中,蒂姆还是很诚恳地道出了自己对广告、对文案的看法,蒂姆还坚决地否定了无人再读文案的观点。作为广告界的大咖,获得无数荣誉的广告圈名人,他仍然坚信努力工作、持之以恒、开拓思维是一个好的广告文案或是创意人士的必备3原则。 系列文章回顾: 《好文案就要有个好开头,读英国著名创意人“钩头文案”作品》 《力求以图片征服读者,美国著名创意人的“符号文案”作品》 《托尼是个追求“感觉”的创意人,我把他的作品称为“理性文案”》 《他写的文案叫“探索文案”,这位澳洲顶尖创意人的作品你见识下》 《伺候过这么多公司后,他的文案成为了“老古董”》 公号名:写给非广告人的广告常识 手机扫一扫,阅读下载更方便˃ʍ˂ |
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