扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 1. Excuse me, sir, is there a commode? 请问,先生,这里有洗手间吗? 2. Law enforcement still has no leads. 执法部门仍然毫无线索。 3. You've got to be pulling on my leg! 开什么玩笑! 4. Simmer down. Simmer down! 安静,安静! 5. That's how I roll. 这就是我的风格。 6. Something that will blow this pyramid thing out of the water! 金字塔那事跟它根本没法比! 7. Next, we are going to steal, pause for effect, the moon! 接下来,我们要去偷的是,这时候停顿一下才给力,月球! 8. Do you want a demonstration? 要给你做个演示吗?(demonstration在现在的日常工作中很常见) 9. And yet you have the audacity to ask the bank for money? 那你还有脸来银行借钱? 10. Get the picture? 明白没? 11. Got you in our sights! 这下你跑不掉了! 12. The dentist thing is more of a hobby. 牙医只是我的副业。 13. I think I can live with that. 我不会介意的。 14. But try not to toss and turn. 不过还是不要翻来翻去的。toss and turn: 翻来覆去。 15. So if you want to go, you are going to have to walk yourselves. 要是你们想去,就自己走去吧。 16. You're going to suffer the wrath of Gru! 格鲁很生气,后果很严重。 17. I have pins and needles that I'm sitting on. 我简直如坐针毡。 18. If you take it personal, that's okay. 你要因此恨我,我也不会记怀。 19. Super-cool stuff you wouldn't understand. 非常带劲的事,你不会懂的。 20. He's so fluffy, I'm gonna die! 它太可爱了,我受不了了! 21. We can't afford any distractions! 我们不能再东拉西扯了! 22. It was a little attempt at humour. 那只是我小幽默一下。 23. The moon is as good as ours. 月亮逃不出我们的手掌心。 24. We're all hyper! 我们好兴奋! 25、Are you reallyabcgonna save the world? Yes. Yes, I am. 你真的要拯救世界吗?是的,没错。 26、When someone moves into theabcmall who is follically challenged,I make it my businessabcto know all about them. 当具有极大挑战性的人走进商场,我的任务就是去了解他。 27、You just officially hadabcthe worst date ever 你圆满完成了史上最糟糕约会。 28、These are sordid lies.abcI don't even like her. 蹩脚的谎话 我甚至都不喜欢她。 29、all too well. It is theabclook of a broken heart. 你装过头了 其实内在是一颗破碎的心。 30、And that's where you come in. As an ex-villain,abcyou know how a villain thinks, and acts. 于是就轮到你商场了 作为一个前恶人 你了解恶人的思维以及行为。 手机扫一扫,阅读下载更方便˃ʍ˂ |
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