扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 我们对音乐的渴求,一刻都不曾减少。现在无论上班途中、休息还是工作,我们总习惯先享受一下听觉的盛宴。毫不夸张地说,音乐已成为了我们生活的一部分。 有很多热情澎湃的设计师也在努力地为音乐的移动端界面创造一个富有创意的,吸引人的精致界面。比如这一系列,它们中既有仿古的设计风格,也有现代简约优雅的。你会欣赏到厚重感十足的黑胶唱机,可能也会惊叹于用色大胆的视觉冲击风格。 希望今天的作品能带给各位设计师们灵感!尽情享用吧:)
1. Turntable Player iPhone App Concept by Ivan Gapeev2. iPhone Swing Music App Concept by Enes Daniş3. Music App UI (iPhone) by Piotr Kwiatkowski4. Interphono – iPhone app by Abraham Vivas5. A-MUSE-ME. Music application by Alex Ds Karera6. MixTape – iOS Music App by Marco Nenzi7. MTV Mobile & App Concepts by Andrew Couldwell8. BeatsLarge iPhone Concept by Jonathan Kelley9. iPhone Music Player App Concept by Kiran10. New Music App by Amit Rai11. T3 Player App by Eder Rengifo and Bryn Bodayle12. Cat Music Karaoke App by Cristi Hurhui13. Rocket Piano UI Design by Isabel Aracama14. FlatPlayer by Ehsan Rahimi15. Player – Music Player App by Ilya Boruhov16. CONCEPT – iOS MUSIC PLAYER by Pintu Dhiman17. Radio Expres iOS App by Martin Schurdak18. Music Player App by Emile Rohlandt19. 76 Synthesizer(合成) Concept by Jonas Eriksson20. Groove(凹槽)! Simple Metronome App by Tom Reinert21. Carl Cox by Jonas Eriksson22. NightFever app by MichAEl Nunes23. Earbass | Music On The Go by Quintavious Shephard24. Rocmo Music App by Jeet Sean25. My16 – iPhone App by Maria Helena Cunha26. Ringtonium 3 by Bamboo Apps and IGNAT PLOT27. iOS Music Player App by Dmitriy Haraberush28. SoundBeats by Florent Hancquart29. MUSIC APP by Roy van Laar30. Moodsnap by Tom Junker31. Less Than Four Days by Abraham Vivas32. RITMO FREE MUSIC APP by PromoBeat Smartphone Apps33. Music App Interface by Alex Bender34. Music Player Application – Personal Project by Ernest Gerber35. Music Player Application's UI by Chandan Mishra36. Gray GUI iOS Kit | Music App by Husam Aneed37. Google Play Music for iOS by Moin Ahmad38. Music App for iPhone 5 by Hervé Denjean39. MeloMe Music Player App by BLASTAROCKS
30 Stunning Apple Concept Designs1. Turntable Player iPhone App Concept by Ivan Gapeev2. iPhone Swing Music App Concept by Enes Daniş3. Music App UI (iPhone) by Piotr Kwiatkowski4. Interphono – iPhone app by Abraham Vivas5. A-MUSE-ME. Music application by Alex Ds Karera6. MixTape – iOS Music App by Marco Nenzi7. MTV Mobile & App Concepts by Andrew Couldwell8. BeatsLarge iPhone Concept by Jonathan Kelley9. iPhone Music Player App Concept by Kiran10. New Music App by Amit Rai11. T3 Player App by Eder Rengifo and Bryn Bodayle12. Cat Music Karaoke App by Cristi Hurhui13. Rocket Piano UI Design by Isabel Aracama14. FlatPlayer by Ehsan Rahimi15. Player – Music Player App by Ilya Boruhov16. CONCEPT – iOS MUSIC PLAYER by Pintu Dhiman17. Radio Expres iOS App by Martin Schurdak18. Music Player App by Emile Rohlandt19. 76 Synthesizer Concept by Jonas Eriksson20. Groove! Simple Metronome App by Tom Reinert21. Carl Cox by Jonas Eriksson22. NightFever app by Michael Nunes23. Earbass | Music On The Go by Quintavious Shephard24. Rocmo Music App by Jeet Sean25. My16 – iPhone App by Maria Helena Cunha26. Ringtonium 3 by Bamboo Apps and IGNAT PLOT27. iOS Music Player App by Dmitriy Haraberush28. SoundBeats by Florent Hancquart29. MUSIC APP by Roy van Laar30. Moodsnap by Tom Junker31. Less Than Four Days by Abraham Vivas32. RITMO FREE MUSIC APP by PromoBeat Smartphone Apps33. Music App Interface by Alex Bender34. Music Player Application – Personal Project by Ernest Gerber35. Music Player Application's UI by Chandan Mishra36. Gray GUI iOS Kit | Music App by Husam Aneed37. Google Play Music for iOS by Moin Ahmad38. Music App for iPhone 5 by Hervé Denjean39. MeloMe Music Player App by BLASTAROCKS40. iPhone Music App by BorisWick42. Media App iOS by Carlos Santiago43. MOG iOS Apps by Jordan Braun44. Shuffle(洗牌) Music Player App (inspired by Dieter Rams) by Naim Solis45. Braun Radio App by Nicklas Alejandro46. RadioTar for iOS by Elek Laszlo47. Record Player – Tocadiscos by Pedro Hernandez Ruiz48. Music Player by nijah zhang49. MYSIC, for Spotify and Swedish Radio by Christin Malen Andreassen
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