扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 翻译:二两 钩头文案Tony Cox托尼·考克斯(Tony Cox),爱丁堡大学(Edinburgh University)硕士。他曾短暂就职于CDP(Collett Dickenson & Pearce)、DP(Davidson Pearce)和Hall’s三家广告公司。1986年,托尼成为恒美广告的创意总监,并继续在恒美旗下的BMP恒美(Boase Massimi Pollitt DDB)担任该职务。托尼曾经获得D&AD广播、海报与电视银奖;Campaign Press金奖;创意圈(Creative Circle)荣誉奖以及主席奖。 《The Copy Book》中收录了3幅托尼的广告,全都是为大众汽车所写的文案。本想只挑选其中的一幅作品,可是总觉得这3则广告一气呵成,实在无法取舍,也罢,大家今天就饱餐一顿吧。 不过,在欣赏这一系列的广告之前,请思考2个问题:第一,如果是由你来做一款汽车的广告,你会从哪个方面入手?第二,就汽车而言,能拿出来做文章的卖点,除了速度、价格、设计、车型、环保和操控感之外还有什么? 在之前的文章里,我们分享过大卫·阿伯特《伺候过这么多公司后,他的文案成为了“老古董”》的一则大众汽车广告,大家不妨将两者做一个横向的比较。他们都为大众服务过,也都给大众建立了好名声,可是给广告业留下的宝藏却是各有千秋。 (一)
Do we drive our mechanics too hard?For most people, going under a car is the end of their career. For a Volkswagen mechanic, it’s just the beginning. He starts with the humble spark plug. And works his way up to the defiant electronic system. He takes every part apart. And puts it back together again. Over and over and over again. Until he can show us where every bolt,every washer and every nut goes. What every part does. And how to service every single one ofthem. Then we really turn the screws on him. Because, when he’s not working on a Volkswagen, Volkswagen are working on him. At one of our training schools. There he spends seven hours a day studying the mechanics of the car. So, by the end of his apprenticeship, he knows his Volkswagen bumper to bumper and sill to sill. And this is part of the quaint Volkswagen notion that the service has to be as good as the car itself. It’s the kind of madness that makes us maker our cars the way we do. The sanest things on wheels. (二)
The only squeaks and rattles you’ll ever hear in a VolkswagenWho objects to decibels of delight coming from the back of their car? Or to being able to actually hear aconversation, or the radio? What is objectionable, is listening to he irritating results of shoddy workmanship and lazy engineering. Which is why we at Volkswagen are so dedicated to building the soundest cars on the road. To Volkswagen, silence isn’t golden, it’s dull grey, high tensile steel that we form into a rigid safety cell. Inside, underneath, and around that rigid cell our engineers, robots and computers quietly set to work. We make sure 10,000 times over, that a door shuts with a reassuring thud, not a hollow slam. We torture bodywork. We torment axles and wheel mountings. And if something squeals in less than 300 hours of merciless testing, we dispose of it. Why go to such great lengths? Because there’s something that’s very important you ought to know when you buy a family car. That it’s a lot more that just sound.
We put people in front of cars.At Volkswagen, we’ve always worried our little heads about even littler heads. We were among the first major car manufacturers to make all our models capable of running on unleaded fuel. The first to produce a range of small cars,the Polo, with a catalytic converter as standard. The first to produce the world’s cleanest production car, the Umwelt Diesel. And one of the first to replace toxic paints with water based paints. That said, we can hardly expect you to buy a Volkswagen out of the goodness of your heart. Nor, heaven forbid, should you buy one simply because we’ve been named Environmental Manufacturer of the Year. We were, after all, among the first to introduce a reinforced safety cell with crumple zones front and rear. The first to include rear seat belts as standard across the range. And one of the first to make self-stabilizing steering a standard feature. When it comes to protecting your family, it seems, we rarely let anything get in our way. 不知道各位读者看到这3幅文案的时候,眼球最先被什么给抓住。小编还是挺喜欢这三幅广告的标题的:我们是不是把自己的技工逼疯了;唯一能在大众汽车里听到的嘎吱声;我们奉行人先于车。并不是因为这3句话被加黑加粗的缘故,而是因为它们乍看起来并不是汽车的卖点,因此我就有了继续读下去的兴趣。正所谓“好奇害死猫”,我就是那只颇感奇怪的猫。 托尼是个很看中“首句文案”的人,因为只有这样,它才能吸引读者继续往下看。在他看来“好故事往往有个好开头,它开门见山,而不是先清清嗓子才进入正题。”这一理念与平时我们写作的原则完全契合,不知各位看官是否还记得毛线九日谈请到的大咖——花爷徐微,在他给我们讲解文案写作的一些小技巧时就反复强调,无论是写什么文章,一定要遵循“凤头猪肚豹尾”。(花花世界徐微:文案与新媒体的花式切换术(演讲篇)│毛线九日谈第一谈)而“凤头”在广告文案里,则是长文案中的标题或第一句话。 花爷称好的开头为“凤头”,而托尼则称之为“钩头(Hooky opening line)”,真够形象!一句话中仿佛暗藏了无数个钩子,直接插入你的眼睛,想挣脱却无法自拔。那何谓“钩头”文案呢?托尼总结了4个原则:不可以平淡无奇,也不能赤诚相见;不可以索然无味,也不能口吐珠玑;不可以一目了然,也不能标新立异;不可以老成持重,也不能多情善感。唉,托尼是研究了《论语》么,用中庸之道诠释文案写作,我也是服了!(文案的开头如何写作,托尼有很多自己的独到见解,推荐了30个经典的开头,本文篇幅有限,在这里无法为读者们一一列举。日后,我们公众号会尽力为大家整理出来,敬请期待) 除了开头托尼对文案写作还有4点经验,都是干货,在这里与大家共勉:01. 文案最好能马上让读者了解其主题,否则没人愿意读第二段。 02. 文案不要将所有的东西都写尽,写完了读者也就没有发挥空间了,一则好的广告应该让读者自己来完成交流。 03. 文字与图片关系密切,合则传神,分则无力。 04. 想要图片与文案完美结合,必须让广告文案以视觉方式思考。 系列文章回顾:1、《力求以图片征服读者,美国著名创意人的“符号文案”作品》 2、《托尼是个追求“感觉”的创意人,我把他的作品称为“理性文案”》 3、《他写的文案叫“探索文案”,这位澳洲顶尖创意人的作品你见识下》 4、《伺候过这么多公司后,他的文案成为了“老古董”》 公号名:写给非广告人的广告常识 手机扫一扫,阅读下载更方便˃ʍ˂ |
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