扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 字体是设计师离不开的话题之一,然而每们设计师心中都有他最爱或者最喜欢使用的字体吗?而你又想知道吗?在此文之前我们发布了《网页设计师最爱的10个英文字体》一文,而这次来自 InVision 社区为大家整理了一个列表,这个列表有40多位来自不同公司不同职位的用户提交,他们职业有的是交互设计、营销设计经理、高级产品设计师、用户体验设计师等等。 这对于设计师来说可以算是一个宝贵的列表,特别是对于字体的选择,看到喜欢的赶紧收下哦,同时记得分享给更多有需要的设计师吧! 同时我们也在做一个中文字体使用调查,欢迎设计师们踊跃参与: http://wj.qq.com/survey.html?id=258540&hash=a354 Georgia (Bold Italic)用户:Samira Khoshnood 职业:Senior Product Designer at Evernote Colfax Submitted用户:Billy So 职业:UX Designer at Kit and Ace Sofia pro, black用户:Mahédine Yahia 职业:Interaction Designer Nevis Submitted用户:JD Jones 职业:User Experience Designer at Modus Create Pier Sans用户:Mark Edward Demuth 职业:Graphic Designer FF Oxide Solid Pro用户:Kristine Le 职业:Evernote Mobile Product Designer, Android Brandon Grotesque用户:Julio Montás 职业:Freelance Front-End Developer Brandon Grotesque用户:Rachel Mitrano 职业:Interactive Designer at Base Gotham用户:Katie Crowell 职业:Manager of Marketing Design Gotham用户:Napoleon Martinez 职业:Product Designer Gill Sans Bold用户:Ivy Mukherjee 职业:Visual and Interface Designer Bree/Bree Serif用户:Dave House 职业:Designer at Gumtree Balto用户:Torry Colichio 职业:Founder and Creative Director Frutiger Roman用户:Jahed Momand 职业:Product Lead, Mobile at ZOOM+ Museo Sans Rounded用户:Andreia Filipa da Silva Cândido 职业:Digital Designer Avenir用户:Sammy Schuckert 职业:Communication Designer Gotham Light用户:Grayson Hjaltalin 职业:UI/UX Designer at Salesforce Helvetica Neue Thin用户:Felipe Ramos 职业:UI Designer Roboto thin用户:Roberto Pacheco 职业:UI/UX Designer at Hint Absara Sans用户:Kerry Stephens 职业:UX & Visual Design Montserrat用户:Igor Bogdanovski 职业:Designer at StartApps Montserrat用户:Sebastian Petravic 职业:UX/UI Designer and Front-End Developer Futura用户:Paul Kubala Futura用户:EJ Lanz 职业:Blogger Futura用户:Josh Deckman 职业:Director of Design at Speed Digital Din用户:Hannah Peckham 职业:Mobile Product Designer at Evernote Canter用户:Justin Ewert 职业:UX Designer Bw Stretch用户:Nicola ‘Felasquez’ Felaco 职业:Head of Design at Musixmatch Alice (Google Font)用户:Samantha Zhang 职业:Designer at Graphiq.com Tiempos Text用户:James LaCroix 职业:Product Designer Roboto Slab Bold用户:Josh Dunsterville 职业:Lead Designer at KlientBoost Clarendon用户:Vince Tardy 职业:Creative Director at Brightfind Clarendon用户:MichAEl Ennis 职业:Sr. UX Designer at RevZilla.com Bodoni用户:Denise Villanueva 职业:UX Designer and Letterer Priori Sans用户:Bence Csernak 职业:User Interface and Branding Designer Raleway Light用户:Kate Stahnke 职业:Founder of ITGirl.co Feijoa用户:Briony Crane, Art Director at Hootsuite and Co-Founder of Goodforks Questa Grande用户:Maria Nicholas 职业:Executive Director of UX at Kaplan Test Prep Janda Stylish Script用户:Catherine Lagman 职业:Visual Designer of Product at Anaplan “Burst My Bubble”用户:Alecsandru Grigoriu 职业:Lead UX Designer at Grapefruit Ostrich Sans Bold用户:Danica Altin 职业:UI/UX Designer at POF.com Pacifico (modified)用户:David Shackelford 职业:Creative Director 手机扫一扫,阅读下载更方便˃ʍ˂ |
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