扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 很酷很潮的英文句子 1、你对我访问受限,我让你黑名单见。 Your access to me is limited. I'll blacklist you. 2、你之所以讨厌特权,是因为特权不在你手上。 You hate privilege because it's not in your hands. 3、别总是羡慕别人光芒万丈,却忘了自己也会发光。 Don't always envy others, but forget that you will shine. 4、记住你今天给我的伤,日后我定加倍还给你。 Remember the injury you gave me today. I will give it back to you twice in the future. 5、别等到最后她是别人的了,你的喜欢却变成了爱。 Don't wait until she is someone else's, but your love turns into love. 6、你的世界与我无关,我的世界你也只配旁观。 Your world has nothing to do with me, and you are only worthy to watch my world. 7、相对喜欢,我更想被偏爱。 I prefer to be preferred. 8、爱你不过是一时冲动,可是我想冲动一世。 It's just a moment of impulse to love you, but I want to be impulsive all my life. 9、没有一百分的另一半,只有五十分的两个人。 There is no other half of a hundred, only two of fifty. 10、人生就像卷纸,没事尽量少扯。 Life is like a roll of paper. 11、教会你最初舞步的人,却未必能陪你走到散场。 The person who taught you the first steps may not be able to accompany you to the end. 12、当一个人熬过了所有苦难,也就没那么难过了。 When a person through all the suffering, it is not so sad. 13、不要轻易评论我的好与坏,我没吃过你家一口饭。 Don't easily comment on my good and bad. I haven't eaten a meal in your family. 14、我长得很好看,你要耐着性子看。 I'm very good-looking. You have to be patient. 15、任何关系,你想陌生,我根本不会多看你一眼。 Any relationship, you want to be strange, I won't look at you more. 16、你,卑微的像我家门前啃骨头的阿黄。 You are as humble as ah Huang in front of my house. 17、失败又有什么关系,只不过是从头再来罢了。 What's the matter with failure? It's just starting from scratch. 18、既然你不能一心二用,那就该用脑的时候别用心。 Since you can't use it all at once, don't use your mind when you use it. 19、时间摆平了所有的伤痛,我也摆平了回忆。 Time smoothed all the pain, I also smoothed the memory. 20、我是喜欢你,但我不能一辈子不要脸。 I like you, but I can't be shameless all my life. 21、哪有谁比谁运气好,只是更加拼命罢了。 No one is more lucky, just more desperate. 22、你喜欢的人也是凡人,你的喜欢为他镀上金身。 The person you like is also a mortal. Your like gilds him. 23、你是什么货色,我就是什么脸色。 What you are, I am what face. 24、你就是我想要遗忘的曾经,然后再也不要回去。 You are the one I want to forget, and then don't go back. 25、我是好脾气,但不是什么人都惯着。 I have a good temper, but not everyone is used to it. 26、不怕你四面楚歌,就怕难过到死还要忍气吞声。 I'm not afraid that you're surrounded, I'm afraid that I'll have to swallow my breath if I feel sad to death. 27、用不着你喜欢,也用不着你讨厌。 You don't need to like it or hate it. 28、不必恭维,不必讨好,爱你的人自然会给你拥抱。 Don't flatter or flatter. The one who loves you will hug you. 29、尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想! Although I haven't left yet, I miss you forever! 30、头只能低一次,回不回来随便你。 You can only lower your head once. If you don't come back, you are welcome. 31、什么样的关系,就该谈什么样的话题。 What kind of relationship should we talk about. 32、要走要留你随意,反正有你没你都没关系。 If you want to leave, you should stay at will. It doesn't matter whether you have you or not. 33、种草不让人去躺,不如改种仙人掌! It's better to plant cacti instead of letting people lie down! 34、这座城市风很大,孤独的人总是晚回家。 The city is windy and lonely people always come home late. 35、世人笑我太疯癫,我笑世人看不穿。 The world laughs at me for being crazy, and I laugh at the fact that the world can't see through. 36、众生皆苦,你为苦上苦,世间劫难,你为难上难。 All living beings suffer. You suffer for suffering. You suffer for suffering. 37、不会生气的人是傻瓜,不去生气的人才是智者。 He who is not angry is a fool, and he who is not angry is a wise man. 38、太过考虑别人的感受,就注定自己不好受。 If you think too much about other people's feelings, you are doomed to suffer. 39、忘记一个人挺简单的:不要见,不要贱。 It's easy to forget someone: don't see, don't be cheap. 40、有的人像甘蔗,一开始巨甜,后来真渣! Some people are like sugarcane, which is very sweet at first, and then is really dregs! 41、我的人生已输掉了开头,不能输掉了结尾。 My life has lost the beginning, not the end. 42、我可以带你混得风生水起,也可以让你声名狼藉。 I can get you mixed up or I can make you infamous. 43、烂掉的关系还是断了为好。 It's better to break the bad relationship. 44、翻脸不如翻身,生气不如争气。 It's better to turn over than to turn over. It's better to be angry than to strive. 45、没人走过我的路,我何必大度。 No one walked my way. Why should I be generous. 46、跟我离开大风,不饮烈酒,剩下的路我陪你走。 Leave the gale with me, and don't drink spirits. I will accompany you the rest of the way. 47、嘲讽也好,掌声也好,做好自己。 Laugh or applaud, be yourself. 48、既然不能成为唯一,那就成为第一,然后不下去。 Since we can't be the only one, we should be the first, and then we can't go on. 49、爱就疯狂,不爱就坚强。 Love is crazy, love is strong. 50、长得漂亮是优势,活得漂亮才是本事。 To be beautiful is an advantage, to live beautiful is an ability. 手机扫一扫,阅读下载更方便˃ʍ˂ |
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