扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 扫一扫 表达孤独的英文句子 1、看着那一句句晚安,我的心都碎了。 Looking at that good night, my heart was broken. 2、爱不只有玫瑰花,还有不安和惩罚。 Love is not only roses, but also restlessness and punishment. 3、请你不要太自以为是,我不屑一顾。 Please don't be too conceited. I don't care. 4、一生中最爱的人,却不是我的爱人。 The one I love most in my life is not my love. 5、再辉煌也要落幕,再不舍也要离开! No matter how brilliant we are, we have to leave if we don't give up! 6、岁月如刀催人老,昔日红颜不复在。 Time is like a knife to urge people to grow old, and the former beauty is no longer there. 7、爱情里没有贱与不贱,只有爱与不爱。 Love is not cheap and not cheap, only love and not love. 8、哥来到这个世上,就没打算活着回去。 Brother came into this world, did not intend to go back alive. 9、谢谢你,你那么忙,还亲自来伤害我。 Thank you. You're so busy and you hurt me yourself. 10、从未想过绝望看,直到他走的那一天。 Never thought of desperation until the day he left. 11、我与你隔着长风深谷,近不得,退不舍。 I am separated from you by the long wind and deep valley, close, not give up. 12、很痛苦的心情,我却不知道怎么去表达。 Very painful mood, but I don't know how to express. 13、吃不腻的都带腥,忘不掉的都来劲。 If you can't eat it, you can't forget it. 14、属于我们的曾经,拿不走也丢不掉。 Once belongs to us, can not take away also cannot throw away. 15、鲜花凋谢的那一刻,是最美的瞬间。 The moment when the flowers wither is the most beautiful moment. 16、如果那人伸出手,你还是会跟他走。 If the man reaches out, you'll still follow him. 17、人生就想记忆,想忘记都不能忘记。 Life just want to remember, want to forget can not forget. 18、你真的很好笑,跟我讲成全和道义。 You're really funny. Tell me about integrity and morality. 19、似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。 Like this star is not last night, for whom the wind and dew stand in the middle of the night. 20、随欲而安的缈茫,虚空的一如既往。 With the desire and the misty, empty as always. 21、退出这场生命、也许才是明智的吧。 It may be wise to withdraw from this life. 22、那些华丽的语言,一概输给了信念。 Those gorgeous words, all lost to faith. 23、苦于乐都是财富,生与死都要绚丽。 Pain and joy are wealth, life and death should be gorgeous. 24、不能分手的女人,不能离开的男人。 Women who can't break up, men who can't leave. 25、其实我知道,真正在乎我的没几个人。 In fact, I know that few people really care about me. 26、有些人,只适合遇见,却不适合久伴。 Some people, only suitable for meeting, but not suitable for long company. 27、还记得我吗?那个曾经深爱过你的人。 Remember me? The one who loved you so much. 28、横溢的不只是才华,还有腰间的脂肪。 It's not just talent, but also the fat around your waist. 29、原来等待也可以如此的美丽,因为爱你。 my love for you makes waiting romantic. 30、被眼泪透支的爱情,没有想象中的难过。 Love overdrawn by tears, no sadness in imagination. 31、趁我还爱你,你能不能不要错过我。 Can you not miss me while I still love you. 32、爱一个人有多苦,只有自己最清楚。 How hard it is to love a person, only you know it best. 33、明明知道没有结果,怎么还是舍不得。 Clearly know that there is no result, how still reluctant. 34、婚姻的杀手有时不是外遇,而是时间。 Sometimes the killer of marriage is not affairs, but time. 35、退一步并不是认输,我也有我的风度。 Step back is not to admit defeat, I also have my demeanor. 36、在你身上完美的诠释,天衣无缝的演绎。 Perfect interpretation on you, seamless interpretation. 37、听着伤感的歌曲,过着颓废的生活。 Listening to sad songs, living a decadent life. 38、我们渐行渐远,最终再也回不到终点。 We drift away, and we never get back to the end. 39、我还是这个调调,我还是这个高姿态。 I'm still in this tone, I'm still in this high profile. 40、你永远不懂我伤悲,像白天不懂夜的黑。 You will never understand my sorrow, like the dark of day and night. 41、我今天只做了两件事,呼吸和想你! I only do two things today, breathe and miss you! 42、我不难过,反正最后每个人都孤独。 I'm not sad. Anyway, everyone is lonely in the end. 43、一个人时不孤独,想一个人时才孤独。 When I am alone, I am lonely when I want to be alone. 44、不要偷偷摸摸的看我,爱我就告诉我吧。 Don't look at me secretly. Tell me if you love me. 45、当那繁华散尽剩下的已是满地忧伤。 When the prosperity is over, the rest is full of sadness. 46、太阳没用暖不了心痛更何况这是深冬。 The sun can't warm my heart, what's more, it's deep winter. 47、是不是受了伤,你才会想起我在你身旁。 If you are hurt, you will think of me beside you. 48、指尖穿过黯年度,岁月流殇不掩凉。 Fingertips through the dark year, the years flow war does not cover. 49、当依赖变成习惯,却再也舍不得离开。 When dependence becomes a habit, but I can't bear to leave. 50、只要你肯让她淋雨,就会有人为她打伞。 As long as you let her in the rain, someone will hold an umbrella for her. 51、发展是硬道理,但硬发展是没道理。 Development is the absolute principle, but hard development is unreasonable. 52、颠倒黑白世界,仅为错开我们的时间。 Turn the black and white world upside down, just to stagger our time. 53、我们都在寻找阳光,却在路上邂逅沧桑。 We are all looking for sunshine, but on the road, we encounter vicissitudes. 54、那一句,对不起,始终没有说出口。 That sentence, I'm sorry, has not been said. 55、盼相守,苦守候,等来的却是分手。 Looking forward to each other, waiting for, but to break up. 56、我想重新认识你,然后不带任何感情。 I want to get to know you again and have no feelings. 57、我只是个陪你疯了一场短暂狂欢的过客。 I'm just a passer-by who accompanied you to a short crazy carnival. 58、谁会为了谁的爱情。放弃谁的誓言? Who will be for whose love. Whose oath to give up? 59、没有什么爱不爱,如果离开就别回来。 There is no love without love. If you leave, don't come back. 60、再白的王子,没有马也不是白马王子! No matter how white the prince is, he is not a prince charming without a horse! 手机扫一扫,阅读下载更方便˃ʍ˂ |
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